Sunday, November 22, 2009

What a weekend!

WHEW!!! What a weekend! Fun, yet disappointing at times, but then rewarding & exciting... exhausting!

Saturday morning began with an early morning trip to downtown Indy for an appointment at IUPUI at 9 a.m. Then, off to Riley to visit one of my mother's students who had surgery on Friday. On the way home I saw this image in my rear view mirror - never a good sign:

Unfortunately, a ticket was issued. And not just your usual speeding ticket. I was "apparently speeding" in a construction/work zone. I swear they were not "working", nor was it adequately marked! What happened to those signs with flashing lights that say something like, "55 mph when flashing"? Here's the best part: I can't even just pay the darn thing and be done with it! I have to appear in court because it was a "work zone". And, guess what? The day I am supposed to appear just so happens to be the first day of Spring Semester. I really do not want to be the student who misses the first day of class because she has to go to court! C'mon! What do you do?

Saturday afternoon and night, Jason & I watched my sister's girls so they could go see New Moon with their friends and have a nice dinner without children. :) We had a blast. I made homemade lip gloss with the girls, we went out for dinner, took a nap, watched Sleeping Beauty, and finished the night with Wii and Transformers. I honestly haven't laughed as hard as I did last night in months! Little Grace (6 years old) beat everyone in Wii bowling. The girl is amazing!

This morning, we made a fantastic breakfast & of course... the girls wanted to show off their Wii skills when my sister and brother-in-law picked them up. This afternoon, we watched the Colts game and took a much needed nap! And... I finished off the weekend with submitting my final project for the semester: my 30-page paper is FINISHED!!! I have a break from school until January 11th! Time for BED!