Woo-hoo! I passed the CCRN Exam! I have been studying for this exam since late July and I am so happy it's over! I am officially: N.Paul, RN, BSN, CCRN. A special thank you to my wonderful husband who put up with me wanting to study for the past 2 months. I know I haven't been much fun. So, let the fun begin... this weekend - we are celebrating!
Here's a quick run down of the night before & the morning of my exam:
1) I actually read the instructions for the testing center and quickly learned that if your legal name does not match the application to test, you will not be permitted to test. Here's my dilemma:
My legal name is Nadia Phillips Paul. My name on the application is Nadia Hoage Paul. And... my name on my nursing license is Nadia Lea Paul. AHHHH - I was a little stressed trying to locate the legal documents verifying my name changes. About 9pm last night, Jason told me that he thought he locked them in the safe deposit box and the bank. Seriously? What good is that going to do? It's 9pm and I am supposed to be registered for the test before the bank opens. YIKES... I probably should have taken the time to complete the change of name documents. I thought this was a sign... maybe I shouldn't even test!?! But, little did I know... it was about to get worse...
2) I was awakened at midnight with an awful migraine.
3) I got lost on the way there. (I was taking the exam at H&R Block in Ft. Wayne.) Sometimes GPSs don't get you to the exact location. It got me close, but not to the door. Thank God I left in plenty of time.
4) I arrived at the testing center and walked up to the door. A sign read, "If this door is not unlocked 15 minutes prior to your test starting time, please proceed to H&R Block for assistance." So, I waited until the 15 minute mark and checked the door. It was locked. Following directions, I proceeded to H&R Block to find a sign on the door that read "Closed Friday". OMG... I thought for sure I was doomed to fail. Maybe God was trying to tell me that I wasn't ready to test???
Despite all of this, I was able to test & passed! An employee arrived at 8:55 to open the testing center for the 9:00 test time. I got in, she didn't ask about the differences in my name. And... 150 questions later I got the news that I passed the exam. What a relief! I treated myself to a shopping trip at the Ft. Wayne Mall, a mani/pedi, and then headed for the lakes for a relaxing weekend!
Congrats Nadia!!!
Thanks, Sara!
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