Tuesday, December 29, 2009

A Wonderful Christmas!!!

We hope you all had a Merry Christmas! We enjoyed the holidays with our family! Honestly, this Christmas was more relaxing than any I can remember. I woke up with a migraine on Christmas Eve (UGH!), but fortunately it was gone by evening! As for the rest of the weekend, I do not think I made it out of my pajamas except for a quick Indy shopping trip on Saturday. A huge thank you to Kim (Jason's Mom) for a delicious Christmas dinner & to our sisters for breakfast Christmas morning. (Jason & I split up each year on Christmas morning and go to our sister's to watch our nieces and nephew open presents.) I am ashamed to admit this, but my sister, brother, and I definitely ordered Chinese carry-out on Christmas night! (No one felt like cooking!)
I threw together a brief slide show of our Christmas celebrations. Enjoy!
Wishing you all the very best in 2010!

Oops! I definitely didn't capture our Christmas Eve surprise. Jason & I came home to a refrigerator full of warm food! (This is my excuse for ordering carry-out on Christmas!) We are now on the hunt for a new refrigerator! Oh the choices!!! Hopefully we will decide soon!