Wednesday, February 3, 2010

The 1st Anniversary of Jason's 29th Birthday

Adam, Jason, & Justin

This past weekend, a couple girlfriends & I threw our husbands a surprise, well... not so surprise 30th Birthday Party. Jason, Justin & Adam all turn 30th within weeks of one another, so we celebrated their birthdays together. The three of them have been friends since high school along with about 10 other guys. Jason is so blessed to still have so many friendships from high school! I feel very blessed to have developed friendships with all of them and their wives! It is always fun to get together with everyone!

The planning started months ago, as Sara (Adam's wife), Kristen (Justin's wife) and I met for monthly dinners to plan the big night. We were able to keep it a surprise until about one week out when they all found out for various reasons: 1) a large amount of BBQ pork was delivered to Sara's house; 2) an invitation was returned to Kristen's house and Justin happened to get the mail that day; 3) my cousin slipped and mentioned the party to Jason. Regardless... the boys had a blast. I think Kristen summed it up best, "They partied like they were 21, but woke up like they were 30!" I am not sure about the other two, but I know Jason has been recovering for the past few days! A HUGE thank you to all of you who celebrated with us! It meant a lot to Jason & I both! We are extremely blessed to have such wonderful family and friends.

For more pictures, check out: