WHEW! What a crazy 4 months! It just seems like yesterday when I was sitting in my first class absolutely terrified to start my clinical rotations. However, they weren't nearly as bad as I had anticipated. In fact, I found myself wishing I could go to clinical instead of going to work! The only bad thing about that is I do not get paid to go to clinical!
I began my rotations in September with The Care Group Cardiologists at Methodist. I rotated with them for 1 month. Then, I worked with the ER Physicians at BMH during October. And, I finished off my fall clinical rotations back down at Methodist with the Internal Medicine Service/Hospitalist group. I am learning SO much & hope to be prepared to see patients on my own by next Summer!
Jason & I are getting ready to celebrate the end to a long stretch of nights spent apart, me with my nose in books on Friday & Saturday nights, and absolutely exhausted when he would want to go out with friends, go see a movie, or simply go out to dinner. We are off to Jamaica for a week long vacation! I took my final exam today at 10:00 a.m. and we fly out tomorrow morning, returning just in time for Christmas! Bo and Brady are staying with Grandpa & Grandma Paul! We know they are in great hands!

Ahhhh... CANNOT WAIT!!!
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